Baseline Fitness Virtual 5K Raises Funds for Team Members
In August, Baseline Fitness, owned by franchisee Scott Majkrzak, wanted to find a way to keep its team members healthy and engaged. The Baseline Support Team, which was recently created to help support Planet Fitness® team members facing financial hardships, introduced the “Virtual 5K Your Way” as its latest fundraiser.
Because the team knew that not everyone would want to run a 5K, it emphasized that it was a “5K Your Way,” encouraging team members to get up and moving in any way they wanted, including biking, rollerblading, skateboarding, etc. The team spread the word about the event through an email blast, word of mouth and an announcement in the company newsletter. Participation was encouraged by offering a prize to the district that had the most signups, creating a bit of friendly competition.
To participate, each team member donated to the support team’s PayPal account. The funds will go directly to provide financial relief to Baseline employees. Then they completed the 5K with their activity of choice on Aug. 7. Over 60 Baseline team members from across seven states participated in the 5K, raising over $1,500. Several people on the Baseline team showed excitement as it was their first 5K. Others mentioned that, given the crazy year, they had let their own health and workouts slide a bit, so this was the perfect time to kickstart better habits.
“Team events – regardless if they are in-person or virtual – are so important for morale,” said Majkrzak. “While not many of us were able to be together during the race, we felt the comradery and the support present across the miles.”
The support team is very proud of the Baseline team members across the nation for getting up and moving together, even though they were apart. The support team is always looking for different ways to bring everyone together and is looking forward to its next event.