Bravo Fit Brings Community Together Ahead of Sherwood, Oregon, Grand Opening
As a Planet Fitness® franchise group, Bravo Fit prides itself on connecting with its members and local community, and the company recently went above and beyond to make an impact on its community by creating a billboard with local residents. The billboard was used to advertise a new Planet Fitness location and to signify a brighter and healthier future. Local members of the community were invited to come help paint and sign the billboard through two separate events.
The first event was the Sherwood Old Town Art Walk hosted by a local art center on Sept. 6. From 5-8 p.m., community members were encouraged to come sign their names on the billboard and paint in the letters and were offered pizza and Tootsie Rolls for doing so.
“During the event, we fostered an environment where playing in a grass field with Planet Fitness foam fingers is the norm,” said Bravo Fit franchisee Tanner Halton. “Everyone involved absorbed the overall joy that PF® brings. We love connecting with our community and our members in a fun and personal way.”
The second event that Bravo Fit participated in included taking the remaining section of the billboard to a local Boys & Girls Club. The youth received information about the importance of exercise and health, and the children were invited to sign the billboard and help Bravo Fit employees paint the remaining area. “We know and understand the value of supporting our local Boys & Girls Club, which is why we are donating all of our start-up fees to them,” said Halton.
The Boys & Girls Club plans on using the money to convert a cement parking lot into a play structure that will help support an overall healthier lifestyle. Bravo Fit’s Sherwood staff plans to be on-site during the project to volunteer and provide manpower and smiles.
After the billboard was finished, it was hung on a centrally located building that’s sole purpose is bringing the community together and raising awareness for a healthier lifestyle. “I am so humbled by our franchise group because it makes it a priority to give back to our community,” said Ariel Fitch, manager with Bravo Fit.