Flynn Group Hosts Toy Drive for Marine Corps Toys for Tots Program
The Flynn Group kicked off the holiday season by hosting a toy drive that supported the Marine Corps Toys for Tots Program. The toy drive was held in nine Massachusetts locations and 28 Georgia clubs. The toy drive began Nov. 6 and ran through Dec. 5 in Massachusetts and Dec. 12 in Georgia. There were over 500 toys donated in each market. The toys donated included bikes, basketballs, soccer balls, footballs, board games, dolls, cars, stuffed animals, books and art supplies. There was something for every child’s interest!
This was the group’s third year participating in the program in its Massachusetts clubs and the first year participating in its Georgia clubs. Again, the program was a success and allowed many less fortunate children to have a brighter holiday. The members at the Massachusetts clubs were looking forward to the toy drive.
“Our members have gotten accustomed to this toy drive, so as we were approaching this holiday season they began to ask, ‘When will those toy bins be set up?’ The support of our members is overwhelming. We are very thankful for their generosity which makes our toy drive so successful,” said Mike Leonard, manager of Flynn Group’s Dorchester, Massachusetts, club.