Grand Fitness Gives Generous Donation to Local First Responders
Every day, first responders work hard to ensure that residents are safe. Grand Fitness Partners showed its appreciation for local first responders by donating around $200,000 worth of new strength and cardio equipment.
The franchise donated more than 200 pieces of equipment to the Bedford Police Department and Roanoke Fire EMS team in Virginia. The equipment given to the Roanoke firefighters will be distributed to 11 fire stations, as well as the city’s training center.
It is important for these first responders to stay fit to do their jobs well, so the donated equipment will help them stay physically healthy. They were incredibly thankful for the franchise’s donation.
“Being a smaller agency with a smaller budget, it’s really difficult to get just about anything we would need, let alone exercise equipment, so we partnered with them and they very generously donated us a lot of things that we can use,” Bedford Police Lt. Stephen Swain told local WDBJ7 reporters.
Grand Fitness has 15 Planet Fitness® clubs in Virginia, with five in the Roanoke market, six in the Richmond market, three in Fredericksburg and one in Charlottesville.