PF Growth Partners Organizes Virtual Workouts for Kids
It’s no secret that kids have a lot of energy. But during the pandemic, when families have to stay inside and kids have to go to virtual school instead of in-person school, finding an outlet for that energy can be a challenge. PF Growth Partners, realizing that the pandemic was taking its toll on the younger population, sprang into action and came up with a way to help children get some exercise, get moving and have some fun. Exercise is important, but it’s been a challenge for many to find ways to work out during the pandemic.
That’s why PF Growth Partners organized virtual workouts for kids by teaming up with the Boys & Girls Clubs of America. There was a virtual workout event in Baltimore County, Maryland and one in Broward County, Florida. Each of these virtual workout events included five Boys & Girls Clubs in the area, giving plenty of young ones the chance to get active.
“We know this year has been the most disruptive and hardest on the youth and we wanted to do whatever we could to help them keep engaged and moving,” Andres Jara, marketing coordinator at PF Growth Partners, explained. He pointed out that when these workouts took place, a lot of the country was still under lockdown, with playgrounds closed and schooling taking place online instead of in-person. “A simple event like this goes a long way to keeping kids mentally and physically fit.”
It is uncertain when the pandemic is going to abate and allow people to be out and about again – including kids in need of activity and fun. Thankfully, Jara says that the group has plans to continue these events in the future. When it’s not feasible or safe to have people get together to work out, taking to the virtual world is probably the next best thing.