PF Growth Partners Works Out With B&GC of Metropolitan Baltimore
Kids, of course, have a lot of energy, and it’s important to be able to channel that energy into exercise while also educating young people about the significance of fitness. In July, several PF Growth Partners representatives spent time with the Boys & Girls Club of Metropolitan Baltimore to have fun playing games, exercising and talking about why it’s important to work on fitness and eat healthy.
Lynne Brick, president of PF Growth Partners, was joined by trainers Jeremy Smoot and Quintin Dailey on the visit to the Boys & Girls Club. Smoot explained how the day unfolded; it began with soccer while the kids were coming into the gym. Dailey and Brick started kicking around soccer balls, and soon Brick had jumped into the goal to play with the kids and stop them from scoring. That was a ton of fun, and it boosted the excitement from the kids.
While Brick and Dailey got soccer underway, Smoot threw down the gauntlet for the children hanging out off to the side, challenging them to a jumping contest. “This escalated quickly as, all of a sudden, all the kids wanted to get involved,” Smoot said. “Once all the kids were in the gym, Lynne led a dynamic warmup, educating the kids on the importance of warming up the body before exercise.”
Once the warmup was done, the group moved on to relay races, which got the kids moving and inspired a bit of friendly competition! The children were divided into teams for the relays, which included 15 reps of a bodyweight exercise in addition to running. The relay really encouraged the kids to do their best!
After that, Brick, Smoot and Dailey set up a more standard relay race, but the stakes were raised – the winning team got to choose an exercise for the rest of the children to do. “As you can imagine, all the kids got really excited!” Smoot remarked.
At the end of the workout, Dailey and Smoot spoke to the children about the importance of exercise and eating healthy. They also had the chance to share the benefits the kids just got from working out with the PF Growth Partners team for an hour. “This was a fantastic day filled with fun and education,” Smoot said.
Getting young people interested in health and fitness is crucial, and as PF Growth Partners showed through this workout, educating kids about fitness can be a ton of fun for everyone! Inspiring interest in exercise from children is key, and that is why it is wonderful to see the PF Growth Partners team doing a workout with kids from the Boys & Girls Club of Metropolitan Baltimore.