Planet Central Valley Partners with Local Charity to Place Computers in Students Homes

Late last year, like many organizations, Planet Central Valley was made aware by PFHQ and ABC Financial that their computer terminals would no longer be supported after March 2020 due to the need to update the Windows version the terminals were running. While replacing 12 terminals is no small cost, the question about how to dispose of the existing units came to the forefront.  

The company was concerned about the safety of the information stored on the units as well as the practicality of recycling or storage of the unused equipment. After doing a fair amount of research it was determined that the units could be cleared of all existing data and a new operating system could be installed.  

During the due diligence, Director of Operations Brian Cassagio spoke with several computer hardware companies in the Central Valley of California and discovered a company that refurbishes units and donates them to school children who could not afford to have a computer in their home for financial reasons. “We were so excited to find this company that certifies the data was removed and the units would go to great homes in the local area,” said Cassagio.  

The company Planet Central Valley chose to partner with is 2nd Chance Modesto Computer Refurbishing. 2nd Chance was founded in 2010 by a retired Technology Coordinator for the Riverbank School District (Central Valley, California) Terry Scott. In his first three years, he was able to refurbish and donate computers to 400 students. In 2013, Terry partnered with a local church ministry and has now been able to refurbish and provide over 6,000 computers to Modesto, California, students. 

Planet Central Valley looks forward to working with 2nd Chance again to continue to provide educational access to all the students that need it.