Planet Fitness Growth Partners’ Maryville Location Wins Reader’s Choice Award for Best Gym

Blount County, Tennessee, has spoken, and they are saying that the Maryville Planet Fitness® club is their favorite place to stay fit. The location is heralded as the best gym in the area, according to The Daily Times’ 2016 Reader’s Choice competition.

The team members and staff at the PF location are especially thrilled about the win since the club has only been open for roughly eight months, and the area boasts two major fitness competitors. “This is really a great accomplishment in such a short amount of time, and we are excited to see what the future holds for our Maryville location,” said Chris Cavolo, principal at Planet Fitness Growth Partners. “There are myriad factors that came into play, and it is the optimal combination of these factors that can be attributed to the success of the Maryville location. Maryville’s preference with the readers of The Daily Times is a combination of incredible staff, a remarkable location, an exceptional member base and being active within the community.”

Cavolo notes that much of the success is related to the staff and members caring about one another and promoting a friendly atmosphere, which is what Planet Fitness is all about. “The Maryville staff genuinely cares about the gym and the members, and this shows in all their interactions with the members,” he said.

“Our members have grown to be more than that. They have become like family,” echoed team member Lezlie Bauler. “So many members check in on my life, and I check in on them. If a member is going to be out for a bit, they let me know so I don’t worry.”