Planet Fitness Roseville
For the fourth year in a row, the Planet Fitness® in Roseville, Minnesota, has been named the Best Fitness Center by the readers of The Roseville Review.
“We have won the Best Fitness Center every year since we opened,” said Kevin Murphy, franchisee with Aisling Fitness, which is in the process of opening its seventh club. “Before we came to town LA Fitness was the winner, so it feels great to take and hold on to the top spot with the local voters.”
LA Fitness isn’t the only competition that Planet Fitness was up against, however, which makes the win that much sweeter.
“Snap Fitness, Lifetime Fitness and Anytime Fitness are based near Minneapolis, so they are everywhere,” said Murphy. “We have done well here because Planet Fitness delivers a superior product at the best price. Our gyms are clean and friendly, and we strive to make people feel good about themselves when they visit the club.”
Murphy notes that competitive prices and a friendly atmosphere aren’t the only factors that have led the club to success. The Roseville PF also has a great location and staff. The club is occupying a building previously leased to Circuit City.
“We painted their tower purple. I think you can see it from the moon,” Murphy joked. “We also have a great GM, Erin Jerde, who has been with us since day one. She and her entire staff buy into the PF concept and deliver excellent customer service.”
The Roseville club was Aisling Fitness’ first club in Minnesota and remains the company’s largest club – both in terms of size and EFT.
“We started as investors in other Planet Fitness markets, but having success in Roseville gave us the confidence that we could come into Minnesota and do well even though it is a very competitive market.”