PF Fitness-Midland has teamed up with the Salvation Army’s Toys for Kids program for the fourth year in a row. The five-unit PF Fitness had its Midland, Michigan, location hop on board in 2013, and this year the four remaining clubs began participating in the Marine Corps’ Toys for Tots program.
“One of our team members was passionate about this cause and asked us to get involved in 2013. We looked into it, and it was great fit,” said franchisee Numan Ali-Ahmed. “The members love it, and we regularly fill the box and have to call to get it emptied.”
Both toy collection programs place collection boxes in local businesses to collect new, unwrapped toys for children anywhere from newborn to 16 years old. The Midland Toys for Kids program started Nov. 2 and ran through Dec. 16 and benefited local families.

PF Fitness-Midland has been participating in toy drives since 2013.
“We are totally honored to be a part of this organization and be able to give back to our communities,” said Ali-Ahmed. “It means everything to us. From the owners to the employees, we are all excited to be a part of this program. I am glad we are able to use our facility to impact and change the lives of many people.”
Ali-Ahmed notes that not only do employees and members come into Planet Fitness to donate to Toys for Kids, but nonmembers in the community also drop by to make a donation from time to time.
“Our success goes hand and hand with the success of the community,” said Ali-Ahmed. “We are hoping others will see the success of this program and adopt it in their community.”
“We wanted to give back and show that we care and are involved. We are going to be invested in the easy times and hard times as well,” added regional manager Jamie Rynearson. “We want to show that we are people involved in the community, not just team members behind the desk. We live here, shop here and play here.”