PF Growth Partners Teams Up With Sox in the Box Program

Planet Fitness Growth Partners has teamed up with 8-year-old Miracle Omar to help with her Sox in the Box program. The program aims to collect new pairs of socks and distribute them to homeless or needy individuals throughout the Washington, D.C., area.

The Ivy City PF® location in Washington, D.C., along with clubs in Landover and Greenbelt, Maryland, agreed to feature collection boxes where members and staff could donate pairs of socks.

“Miracle initially came into the Landover Planet Fitness® and spoke with our management team about partnering with her on her journey to give back,” said regional manager Justin Drummond. “She mentioned that she and her two friends often try to give to the homeless. It all started with handing out toiletries in a park that is known for having a high population of homeless people in Washington, D.C.”

Sox in the Box collected over 700 pairs of socks to hand out to homeless or needy individuals.

Sox in the Box collected over 700 pairs of socks to hand out to homeless or needy individuals.

This is the first time that Planet Fitness Growth Partners has partnered with Omar, but the Sox in the Box program was able to collect over 700 pairs of socks, with the Ivy City club being the largest contributor. Omar has two additional boxes set up outside of Planet Fitness – one in a local salon and one in her elementary school.

“The members loved the idea of what this donation program represented,” said Drummond. “Our Ivy City location actually has a homeless shelter around the corner from the club. The members really got behind the cause.”

Drummond also noted that, while employees did participate in the program, roughly 95 percent of donations came from members.

Omar and two of her friends distributed the socks at Franklin Square Park on Nov. 12. The outcome was overwhelmingly positive, and Omar hopes to make Sox in the Box an annual program.

“When speaking to the management teams who participated in this community outreach, all said this was a no-brainer. To see an 8-year-old girl and her friends so committed to making a difference in strangers’ lives was priceless,” said Drummond. “We had to hop on board and support our community. On a monthly basis, our clubs participate in various community outreach programs. This is our way of not only giving back to the community, but showing that we are also a part of the community.”