TG3 Enterprises Organizes Donation Drive to Give Back During the Holidays
2020 was, in a word, difficult. It was trying for everyone, and the holidays cast a hopeful gleam at the end of the year. However, the pandemic created financial hardship for many families, and that is why TG3 Enterprises decided to do something to give back to their communities and bring joy to kids and families in need. They conducted toy drives at their 49 clubs, which are located across seven states: Ohio, Pennsylvania, Illinois, Indiana, New York, Utah and Idaho.

“We recognize that families are facing many challenges this year,” said Chad Fitton, owner of TG3 Enterprises. “We are humbled to be in a position to support our communities during this pandemic, especially during the holidays.”

To facilitate the holiday give-back, each location set up a donation bin or angel tree so people could drop off donations for local organizations. The setups were creative and impressive, bringing holiday spirit into the clubs. The drive collected various items, including toys, and was not competition-based; the goal was to spread holiday joy and cultivate a spirit of giving.